Sunday, August 31, 2008

SuPeR GiRL ;<

Due to mummy carelessness, BB S had a fall last Sat after bathing... poor BB, she cried and it's VERY VERY loud and quite some time before she settle down.......but after nearly 2 hrs of morning nap, she forget about it and was happily eating the porridge that mummy had prepared for her.
But her forehead got a slight blueblack and da ju was fast to realise that her forehead got something extra ;p
Sat was a full pack day for BB S. After her lunch, daddy brought her to his friend's daughter 1 year old birthday. Well...can said that she behave very guai...after that, daddy and meemee brought her to IKEA again..well this time cos daddy had decided to change the TV thus looking for TV console.....went COURTS also but in the end brought the TV console from near Ah ma's lau, time wasted right? we shld have went there in the 1st place instead of going one big round.
hee hee, think most of the time this kind of scenario always happen.
Oh ya, her upper incisor is coming soon ;)

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